Articles & Publications
Data Invalid on Ellis JADA Article
Development of Bite Impression Technique for Use in Identification of Missing and Unknown Children
(The Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society, Spring 1985, Vol. 34 No.2)
Support for Thermoplastic Impressions
(Journal of Illinois State Dental Society, March 2005, Vol.74 No.3)
Support for the Use of Thermoplastic Bite Impressions to Aid in the Identification of Missing and Unknown Children
(The Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society, Summer 2005)
Dentistry's Role in Identification in Missing and Unknown Children: Update on the Dental Bite Impression Technique
(The Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society, Summer 1999, Vol. 48 No.2)
Toothprints: A Comprehensive Recovery, Identification, Forensic, and Prosecution Tool
(The Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society, Summer 2005)
Schools Gain National Recognition for Safety
(Milton Times, Vol. 6, No.14, Thursday, March 8, 2001)
A New Way to Identify Missing Children
(Dedham Weekly, Dedham, MA, May 26, 1999)
Masons Provide ID's for Kids
(Chicopee Herald, Chicopee, MA Weekly, June 19, 2002)
Committee Adopts Child ID Program
(Salem Evening News, Salem MA. Daily, Tuesday, 12, 2002)
Child ID Program Completed in Schools
(Holbrook Sun, March 1, 2002)
KIDS Day America - dedicated to children's safety
Coming soon:
Toothprints®: A Cornerstone of the Comprehensive Masonic Child Identification Programs (CHIPS)
(The Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society)
Toothprints® DVD

Click here to view the Toothprints DVD
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- Anatomy of of a Properly taken Toothprint Impression
- Read about the Masonic CHip (Child Indentification Program) incorporating Toothprints resulting in the most comprehensive child identification program in the country.
- Ordering information on ChildPrint Plus ID Kit with Toothprints©